
Documenting the providential history of the United States of America

George Washington - Miracles in the Revolutionary War.

“We have, as you very justly observe, abundant reasons to thank Providence for its many favorable interpositions in our behalf. It has at times been my only dependence, for all other resources seemed to have failed us.” - Letter to Reverend William Gordon

Target audience – Adult ,High School, and College Students     (Approximately 1 Hour)

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History of Liberty, and the American Covenant

Target audience – Adult ,High School, and College Students       (Approximately 1 Hour)


Examples of God's Hand in History - Presentation #1

Documenting the providential history of the United States of America and the World

Target audience – Adult ,High School, and College Students       (Approximately 1.5 Hours)

Examples of God's Hand in History - Presentation #2

Documenting the providential history of the United States of America and the World

Target audience – Adult ,High School, and College Students     (Approximately 1.5 Hours)

Restored Republic: Liberty, United States of America, "North America the Great"

The Great Reversal in the battle for liberty and freedom against the forces of evil

Target audience – Adult ,High School, and College Students     (1.5 hours)

Note: Invaluable information for both government and business, to better understand God’s hand in our past history and present day.

Presentation #1

Presentation #2

Revival - Third Great Awakening - The Great Reversal - The Great Reset

God's Divine Reset of the United States of America and the World.

To be added .....

Target audience – Adult ,High School, and College Students     (2 hours)

Note: Invaluable information for both government and business, to better understand God’s hand in our past history and present day.

Truth and Wisdom, Can you handle the truth?

To be added .....

Target audience – Adult ,High School, and College Students     (1 hour)

Truth Public Speaking

Presidential Inauguration Speaker: The American Covenant